Introduced in the year 1996, by the design house of Kenzo. It is relaunched in the 2003 and has a sweet, spicy fragrance with a blend of spices, cardamon, clove, cumin, liquorice, vanilla, and patchouli.
Introduced in the year 1996, by the design house of Kenzo. It is relaunched in the 2003 and has a sweet, spicy fragrance with a blend of spices, cardamon, clove, cumin, liquorice, vanilla, and patchouli.
Skip to contentIntroduced in the year 1996, by the design house of Kenzo. It is relaunched in the 2003 and has a sweet, spicy fragrance with a blend of spices, cardamon, clove, cumin, liquorice, vanilla, and patchouli.
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